Cansado de que se quisieran conectar a ella, decidí crearme un script en python que lee el fichero auth.log y mete las ips en un conjunto y las añade al iptables. Con ello banneo o bloqueo todas las ips extrañas.
Antes de ejecutar el script deberás instalar la aplicación ipset y iptables si no las tienes ya instaladas, para ello deberás ejecutar los siguientes comandos:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install ipset
- sudo apt-get install iptables
Aquí os dejo el script pero podéis descargarlo desde github
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 """ sudo ipset create banthis hash:ip maxelem 1000000 sudo ipset add banthis sudo iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set banthis src -p tcp --destination-port 22 -j DROP $ sudo ipset save banthis > banthis.txt $ sudo ipset destroy banthis $ sudo ipset restore -f banthis.txt """ # IMPORTS import hashlib import re import socket import pprint import subprocess import commands import os import time # VARS log_path = '/var/log/auth.log' hosts=[] full_hosts_data=[] previous_ip = "" previous_host = "" #Create ipset def create_banthis(): return"ipset create banthis hash:ip maxelem 1000000" ,shell=True); #Save ipset def save_banthis(): return"ipset save banthis > banthis.txt" ,shell=True); #Add ip to ipset def anhade_ip(ip): return["ipset", "add", "banthis", ip]); #Add ipset to iptables def anhade_iptables():"iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set banthis src -p tcp --destination-port 22 -j DROP",shell=True); def borra_iptables(): p = subprocess.Popen(["iptables", "-L", "--line-numbers"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE); output , err = p.communicate(); for line in output.split("\n"): check_1 = line.find("banthis"); if check_1 != -1 : index="iptables -D INPUT " + line[0],shell=True); #Check requirements def check_requirements(): ipset_status = commands.getstatusoutput("hash ipset") iptables_status = commands.getstatusoutput("hash iptables") if ipset_status[0] != 0 or iptables_status[0] != 0: raise Exception("Iptables and/or ipset not found, please intstall these dependencies first") #Adjust lines def adjust_item( str, i ): if len(str) < i: for j in range(i-len(str)): str = str + " " return str #Lookup ip by name def get_ip_hostname(name): try: return socket.gethostbyname(name); except Exception: return "0"; #Date def get_date( my_line ): date_words = my_line.split(":") date = date_words[0] +":"+ date_words[1] +":"+ ((date_words[2]).split(" "))[0] return date try: start_time = time.time(); check_requirements(); if save_banthis() == 1: create_banthis(); # READ FILE with open(log_path, 'rt') as log: text =; # COLLECTING HOSTS AND IPS for line in text.split("\n"): if "sshd" in line: if len(line) > 5: check_1 = line.find("rhost=") if check_1 != -1 : words = line[check_1:len(line)].split(" "); if len(words) > 2 : if len(words[2]) > 5 : user = words[2].split("=")[1]; ip = words[0].split("=")[1]; host = ip; pat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$"); test = pat.match(ip); if not test: ip = get_ip_hostname(ip); if ip != "0": host = ip; exists_check = 0 for my_host in hosts: if my_host["ip"] == ip: exists_check = 1; if exists_check == 0: if not "192.168." in ip : hosts.append({"ip":ip, "hostname":host , "accounts":user, "date":get_date( line )}); # PRINT TABLE HEADERS print( adjust_item("DATE", 16 ), adjust_item("IP", 15), adjust_item("HOSTNAME", 40), adjust_item("ACCOUNTS", 30) ) for item in hosts: anhade_ip(item["ip"]) parsed_ip = adjust_item( item["ip"], 15 ) parsed_date = adjust_item( item["date"], 16 ) parsed_host = adjust_item( item["hostname"] , 40 ) parsed_accounts = adjust_item( item["accounts"], 30 ) print( parsed_date[:16], parsed_ip, parsed_host[:40], parsed_accounts[:30], ) borra_iptables(); anhade_iptables(); print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)); except Exception as e: print str(e);