Cansado de que se quisieran conectar a ella, decidí crearme un script en python que lee el fichero auth.log y mete las ips en un conjunto y las añade al iptables. Con ello banneo o bloqueo todas las ips extrañas.
Antes de ejecutar el script deberás instalar la aplicación ipset y iptables si no las tienes ya instaladas, para ello deberás ejecutar los siguientes comandos:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install ipset
- sudo apt-get install iptables
Aquí os dejo el script pero podéis descargarlo desde github
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 """ sudo ipset create banthis hash:ip maxelem 1000000 sudo ipset add banthis sudo iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set banthis src -p tcp --destination-port 22 -j DROP $ sudo ipset save banthis > banthis.txt $ sudo ipset destroy banthis $ sudo ipset restore -f banthis.txt """ # IMPORTS import hashlib import re import socket import pprint import subprocess import commands import os import time # VARS log_path = '/var/log/auth.log' hosts=[] full_hosts_data=[] previous_ip = "" previous_host = "" #Create ipset def create_banthis(): return"ipset create banthis hash:ip maxelem 1000000" ,shell=True); #Save ipset def save_banthis(): return"ipset save banthis > banthis.txt" ,shell=True); #Add ip to ipset def anhade_ip(ip): return["ipset", "add", "banthis", ip]); #Add ipset to iptables def anhade_iptables():"iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set banthis src -p tcp --destination-port 22 -j DROP",shell=True); def borra_iptables(): p = subprocess.Popen(["iptables", "-L", "--line-numbers"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE); output , err = p.communicate(); for line in output.split("\n"): check_1 = line.find("banthis"); if check_1 != -1 : index="iptables -D INPUT " + line[0],shell=True); #Check requirements def check_requirements(): ipset_status = commands.getstatusoutput("hash ipset") iptables_status = commands.getstatusoutput("hash iptables") if ipset_status[0] != 0 or iptables_status[0] != 0: raise Exception("Iptables and/or ipset not found, please intstall these dependencies first") #Adjust lines def adjust_item( str, i ): if len(str) < i: for j in range(i-len(str)): str = str + " " return str #Lookup ip by name def get_ip_hostname(name): try: return socket.gethostbyname(name); except Exception: return "0"; #Date def get_date( my_line ): date_words = my_line.split(":") date = date_words[0] +":"+ date_words[1] +":"+ ((date_words[2]).split(" "))[0] return date try: start_time = time.time(); check_requirements(); if save_banthis() == 1: create_banthis(); # READ FILE with open(log_path, 'rt') as log: text =; # COLLECTING HOSTS AND IPS for line in text.split("\n"): if "sshd" in line: if len(line) > 5: check_1 = line.find("rhost=") if check_1 != -1 : words = line[check_1:len(line)].split(" "); if len(words) > 2 : if len(words[2]) > 5 : user = words[2].split("=")[1]; ip = words[0].split("=")[1]; host = ip; pat = re.compile("^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$"); test = pat.match(ip); if not test: ip = get_ip_hostname(ip); if ip != "0": host = ip; exists_check = 0 for my_host in hosts: if my_host["ip"] == ip: exists_check = 1; if exists_check == 0: if not "192.168." in ip : hosts.append({"ip":ip, "hostname":host , "accounts":user, "date":get_date( line )}); # PRINT TABLE HEADERS print( adjust_item("DATE", 16 ), adjust_item("IP", 15), adjust_item("HOSTNAME", 40), adjust_item("ACCOUNTS", 30) ) for item in hosts: anhade_ip(item["ip"]) parsed_ip = adjust_item( item["ip"], 15 ) parsed_date = adjust_item( item["date"], 16 ) parsed_host = adjust_item( item["hostname"] , 40 ) parsed_accounts = adjust_item( item["accounts"], 30 ) print( parsed_date[:16], parsed_ip, parsed_host[:40], parsed_accounts[:30], ) borra_iptables(); anhade_iptables(); print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)); except Exception as e: print str(e);
2 comentarios:
El uso exclusivo de claves públicas para autenticación SSH en lugar de passwords te evitaría también ataques por fuerza bruta.
Si Trend puedes utilizar RSA, con esto consigo que las ips atacantes queden bloqueadas para realizar cualquier ataque.
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